Vereinigte Star-Film GmbH released M on August 31, 1931. Fritz Lang directed the film starring Peter Lorre, Ellen Widmann, and Inge Landgut.
‘M’ Movie Summary
After a number of unsolved child murders, fear overtakes the city of Berlin. Citizens instantly mob anyone seen talking to a child, and label them a murderer. As the pressure mounts on the police to catch the murderer, they increase raids on illegal activities in the city; hoping to find any clue that will lead to the capture of the killer. Soon, criminal organizations join the manhunt; not because it’s the right thing to do, but because the increased police presence and shakedowns in the city are hurting their profits. Now, it’s not only a rush to capture a child killer, but a rush to see who will capture him first; the legal authorities, or a bunch of thugs no better than the man they are chasing.
Read the full summary here, and add the film to your collection today!
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Vereinigte Star-Film GmbH released M on August 31, 1931. Fritz Lang directed filmstarring Peter Lorre, Ellen Widmann, and Inge Landgut.
Great podcast, I think it’s the best of the new year so far. It must be pretty satisfying Chris, to pick a film the others haven’t seen, that seemed to really impress them(which doesn’t seem easy to do in Patrick’s case). A film that is truly ahead of its time. There was an American remake in 1950 that is worth a look. Looking forward to the review of metropolis(now that is a film that is too long!) Have you seen any of Langs film noirs? He made some good ones – ministry of fear, woman in the window, scarlet street. Maybe one will creep into your classic film series with Lori? I looked up that actor that played the inspector, apparently he did play the same character in Langs next film, testament of dr mabuse. Always been curious about that one, it’s a criterion as well. Also I like the shorter summary format, gets to the meat of the show quicker.
I was surprised nobody had seen it, but I’d say everyone who does see this film likes it a lot. I’ve heard of the 1951 remake. I’d be interested in watching it once.
I’d say at least one of Lang’s noir films will make the Golden Age podcast. Those are the style films I will be picking. I did write a written review of Metropolis. It is too long, but still enjoyable. The podcast will be out in July.
And I think that shorter format will work for all of the podcasts except for Lunchtime Movie Review where we attempt somewhat snarky full summaries.
Ha, one of the things I dislike about LTMR is the summaries. I don’t mind the summaries for Sunday seconds though, since most of the time I haven’t seen the film. Which Lang noir do you think you’ll review? Do you have a favorite?
Well, wait for my Under the Rainbow summary…2 1/2 pages long :/
M is my favorite of Lang’s films, but we may review You Only Live Once, The Woman in the Window, or Scarlet Street.