Columbia Pictures Corporation released Roxanne on June 19, 1987. Fred Schepisi directed the film starring Steve Martin, Daryl Hannah, and Rick Rossovich.
‘Roxanne’ Movie Summary
In the little resort town of Nelson, Washington, Fire Chief CD Bales is a well-loved man, but he’s terribly sensitive about his remarkably long nose. When a beautiful and intelligent astronomer named Roxanne, arrives in town to study a comet, he’s immediately smitten with her. Unfortunately for him, she’s attracted to another firefighter named Chris. Roxanne confides her interest in Chris CD, who reluctantly passes it on to him. Chris, for his part, doesn’t know what to do. He convinces CD to ghost-write a letter to her for him. However, what Chris and Roxanne do not know is that CDs feelings in the letter are actually his own towards Roxanne. Not realizing who wrote the letter, Roxanne falls for Chris’ looks and CD’s mind. CD doesn’t speak up for himself as he thinks no woman would ever love a face like his.
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Columbia Pictures Corporation released Roxanne on June 19, 1987. Fred Schepisi directed the film starring Steve Martin, Daryl Hannah, and Rick Rossovich.
Since Bobby and Chris have revealed their top film of all time this year, I wonder if any of the others will also do so this year.
I do not know, my guess is Patrick’s will have Harrison Ford in it.
Patrick says Dances with Wolves is his number one, and Shane A is on the record of the Breakfast Club as his number one. I do not know Lori or Matt’s.
I just checked out the dances with wolves podcast, Patrick said it used to be his #1, but isn’t anymore.
We spoke about that this week and Patrick said he hasn’t come up with a new #1 since Dances With Wolves but it doesn’t have Harrison Ford in it, which knocks out Indiana Jones and Empire Strikes Back so I guess we have to stay tuned… 🙂